来自东方的神秘幻术团体 全球唯一中国传统戏法世界巡回文化团队

Mystical and Magical Journey from the Ancient Eastern world The one and only world tour magic team composed of Chinese illusionists

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Liu Jia


一位居住在新西兰的北京人,是Magic Moments NZ和东方魔团的创办人,同时也是一名心灵魔术师。他对东西方魔术充满热情,曾参与创建中国最大的魔术道具品牌——魔法汇。

2019年,他在新西兰的达尼丁创立了魔术品牌Magic Moments NZ,涵盖小剧场、魔术餐厅和巡回魔术演出。





在2019年拜访墨西哥时把墨西哥青年魔术师Gabriel Salinas收为门生,教授中国传统手彩戏法及三仙归洞,两年后Gabriel成为了墨西哥全国魔术冠军。



Chain Yu




Ding Yang

丁 洋


  • 2015年5月荣获第九届中国“金菊奖”比赛金奖2019年受邀为第九届西班牙国际魔术节嘉宾参与演出2019年荣获加拿大艾伦斯莱特国际魔术新星奖
  • 2019年获第135届意大利国际魔术大会舞台组金奖,并获得大会最高荣誉“金魔棒”奖 2019年获第十一届上海国际魔术节赛事最高级别级(国际大师组)金奖
  • 2020年入选国家文化和旅游部“中国杂技艺术创新工程”重点扶持项目(全国仅四个项目)(全国杂技剧、杂技、魔术、滑稽 四大类仅重点扶持4个,江苏唯一)
  • 2020年入选国家文化和旅游部“百年百部舞台艺术精品创作工程”重点扶持作品2020年入选“江苏省庆祝中国共产党成立100周年舞台艺术精品创作工程”
  • 2021年第九十九届届美国I.B.M.舞台魔术比赛荣获第一名以及PEOPLE'S CHOICE(最受欢迎奖)两项大
  • 2018—2022年受美国 MAGIC LIVE节目要求作为嘉宾参与演出
  • 2022年获得第二十八届世界魔术大会(FISM)舞台综合魔术类亚军、赛事中唯一最佳原创作品奖





Introduction to the Oriental Wonders

The Oriental Wonders was founded in September 2022 by Liu Jia, a Beijinger who has lived in New Zealand for over 20 years. An outstanding magician himself, Liu Jia deeply appreciated the profound cultural essence embedded in traditional Chinese magic during his years abroad and his artistic research. He realized that while learning Western magic is valuable, it often feels challenging to surpass. This led to a novel idea: why not showcase the traditional Chinese magic, a cultural treasure with a history of over a thousand years, through the popular art form of magic, and share it with the world?

With this philosophy, Liu Jia collaborated with young magicians from Hong Kong and Taiwan, China, to form a team that spans these regions. They present a new form of magic art to the world, rejuvenating traditional acts like Sichuan face-changing by repackaging them with modern flair and bringing them to international stages, thus promoting cultural confidence and strength.

Since its inception, the Oriental Wonders has successfully conducted two tours within a year in New Zealand, reaching audiences in five major cities and showcasing the charm of Eastern magic to thousands. Their performances have received high acclaim from the Chinese Embassy and Consulates. Aiming to better inherit and promote Chinese culture, the troupe hopes to pass on China's charm to the younger generation through "New-style Tricks," kindling their patriotic spirit and encouraging youth from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and overseas, to contribute to their motherland. In the future, they plan to establish "Eastern Magic Mini Theaters" across different regions, nurturing a new generation of artistic talents, providing sustainable resources and training for young people, and passing on this blend of traditional and innovative art.




"For more information about the dates, venues, and details of our upcoming performances, please click the link below."


2023 新西兰电影节



粉丝1 新西兰,达尼丁

Molestiae incidunt consequatur quis ipsa autem nam sit enim magni. Voluptas tempore rem. Explicabo a quaerat sint autem dolore ducimus ut consequatur neque. Nisi dolores quaerat fuga rem nihil nostrum. Laudantium quia consequatur molestias delectus culpa.

粉丝2 旧金山,美国

Excepturi nam cupiditate culpa doloremque deleniti repellat. Veniam quos repellat voluptas animi adipisci. Nisi eaque consequatur. Voluptatem dignissimos ut ducimus accusantium perspiciatis. Quasi voluptas eius distinctio. Atque eos maxime.

粉丝3 北京,中国

Repellat dignissimos libero. Qui sed at corrupti expedita voluptas odit. Nihil ea quia nesciunt. Ducimus aut sed ipsam. Autem eaque officia cum exercitationem sunt voluptatum accusamus. Quasi voluptas eius distinctio. Voluptatem dignissimos ut.

粉丝4 深圳,中国

Nunc interdum lacus sit amet orci. Vestibulum dapibus nunc ac augue. Fusce vel dui. In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium. Curabitur vestibulum aliquam leo. Qui sed at corrupti expedita voluptas odit. Nihil ea quia nesciunt. Ducimus aut sed ipsam.

